Cheers Pickleball Co Founders

Shared Mission: Father & Son Partner for Good

For a lucky few, a game goes beyond winning or losing; its purpose transcends mere competition to touch on something much deeper, where it's not the final score that matters but the joy, the passion, and the excitement shared with those around you - just like life itself.

We’re proud to make each product by hand after we receive your order, but Cheers isn't simply about apparel; it's an invitation to be part of a community that knows how to make life a celebration. Cheers to the ones who elevate everyone around them, making the world a whole lot more extraordinary.

Welcome to the Cheers Family-


Evan & Mike

Father & son, co-founders

PS: When you put on a cap from Cheers, you're joining a movement — Cheers: Caps for Clean Water. Learn more.

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